DOB : 11/24/2017
AKC Registration : WS59718201
CKC Registration : 1138750
co-owner : Debra Wigal
Sire: Am MBiSS Gold GCH Gold Cup’s First in Flight ROM
Dam: Am Bronze GCH Allegiance Harp On This Top Shelf ROM
Echo loves life and enjoys every minute of it. Plush toy in her mouth, she sees everything with rose-colored glasses and is always happy and ready to do anything, including stealing food from the countertop. Despite of this small vice, Echo is a sweet and easy living dog. She loves to cuddle and follow us around the house.
Echo finished her American championship quickly at 17 months of age, and her Canadian championship at 23 months.
A big thanks to Debra Wigal and Becky Reynnells for this incredible girl !

American Champion
Canadian Champion
- March 4, 2019 : Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 4 points Major at the Medina Kennel Club, Tallmadge Ohio
- April 6, 2019 : Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 5 points Major at the Saginaw Valley Kennel Club, Birch Run , MI
- April 27-28, 2019 : Winners Bitch for a 3 points and Best of winners for another 3 points at the Progressive Dog club of Wayne County, Birch Run, MI
- May 1, 2019 : Echo placed third in the 15-18 months Sweepstakes at the American National Newfoundland, MI
OFA CHIC : # 146317
OFA Hips: Fair
OFA Elbows: Normal
OFA Patella : Normal
OFA Eyes: Normal
OFA Cardiac : Normal – cardiologist
OFA Thyroid : Normal
OFA Cystinuria : Clear
Genotype : Dd